Download Ready Player One audiobook for free
Ready Player One by
Ernest Cline was first published in 2011 by Random House, and falls under the category of hard science fiction. It has won an Alex award, deeming the book appealing to both adults and young adults, and a Prometheus award – a prestigious science fiction award – in 2012. It’s being adapted into a film directed by Stephen Spielberg, due to be released in cinemas in 2018.
The Ready Player One audiobook is now available to download on completely free. Narrated by Star Trek’s Wil Wheaton, this brilliant story can be yours for free simply by signing up for With a library of 180,000 books, there’s plenty to choose from.
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Plot of Ready Player One
Wade Watts, like so many before him, prefers to get lost in a video game than remain in the real world. It’s 2044 and the world is obsessed with the online utopia, OASIS, which contains pop culture puzzles that help players advance in the virtual world. It’s the only escape from a world destroyed by the effects of global warming and an energy crisis.
When Wade becomes the first player to find a key allowing him to advance in the game, he discovers that people will go to great lengths to win the game, including killing people in the real world. With great power and fortune promised to the winner, Wade is left with no choice but to beat the game before someone else does. Or worse: someone kills him before he can win.
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Other audiobooks by Ernest Cline
Ernest Cline’s immersive science-fiction writing has scored him a movie deal for Ready Player One and several awards for his efforts. Cline also has a history of success in slam poetry, and won several competitions between 1998 and 2001. He currently has two novels: Ready Player One and Armada. The Ready Player One audiobook is available to download both in English and in German.
Armada is Cline’s second thrilling sci-fi novel, and is also available on as an audiobook. To view all audiobooks of Ernest Cline’s novels, simply visit his author page on